
CAUTION: Before using this utility, back up any important data.

IMPORTANT: As a best practice, do not use this utility if you have any IO Accelerator devices installed in the system that you do not want to clear or purge. First remove any devices that you do not want to accidentally erase. After the data is removed with this utility it is not recoverable.

IMPORTANT: If the device is in Read-only mode, perform a format using fio-formatbefore running fio-sure-erase. If the device is in Minimal mode, then fio-sure-erasecannot erase the device. Updating the firmware may take the device out of Minimal Mode. If the device remains in Minimal mode, contact HP Customer Support for further assistance.

IMPORTANT: After using fio-sure-erase, format the device using fio-formatbefore using the device again.

To run the fio-sure-eraseutility, the block device must be detached. See fio-detachfor more information.


The fio-sure-eraseis a command-line utility that securely removes data from IO Accelerator devices. It complies with the Clear and Purge level of destruction from the following standards:

DOD 5220.22-M–Comply with instructions for Flash EPROM

NIST SP800-88–Comply with instructions for Flash EPROM Registry requirement

To create a registry key to configure the driver for ECC-bypass mode:

1.Locate the following key:


2.Create a DWORD key underneath it called BypassECC and set the value to 1.

3.Restart the computer before running the utility.


fio-sure-erase [options] <device>

where <device> is the name given to the IO Accelerator during the installation process. The syntax is /dev/fctx, where x indicates the PCIe bus number where you installed the IO Accelerator. For example, the name /dev/fct4 refers to the IO Accelerator device installed in PCIe Bus 4 in your Windows® operating system. To view this bus number, use the IO Accelerator Management Tool or fio-status.

The fio-sure-erasesyntax works on individual IO Accelerator devices. For example, if you are planning to purge an IO Accelerator Duo device, you must perform this operation on each of the IO Accelerator devices.


If fio-sure-eraseis run with no options, a Clear operation is performed.

Utilities 50