Main menu


To do this



System information

View and change the system time and date.


View identification information about the computer.


View specification information about the processor, memory size,



and system BIOS.




Security menu


To do this



Administrator password

Enter, change, or delete an administrator password.



Power-On Password

Enter, change, or delete a power-on password.



System Configuration menu


To do this



Language Support

Change the Setup Utility language.



Processor C4 State

Enable/disable the processor C4 sleep state.



Boot Options

Set the following boot options:


f10 and f12 Delay (sec.)―Set the delay for the f10 and f12


functions of the Setup Utility in intervals of 5 seconds each (0, 5,


10, 15, 20).


Internal Network Adapter boot―Enable/disable boot from Internal


Network Adapter.


Boot Order―Set the boot order for:


Internal hard drive (select models only)


USB Floppy




USB flash drive


USB Hard drive


USB Card Reader


Network adapter



NOTE: Only the devices attached to the system will appear



in the boot order menu.




76 Chapter 5 Computer Setup