
To do this



Processor C4 State

Enable/disable the processor C4 sleep state.



Boot Options

Set the following boot options:


f10 and f12 Delay (sec.)―Set the delay for the f10 and f12


functions of the Setup Utility in intervals of 5 seconds each (0, 5,


10, 15, 20).


Internal Network Adapter boot―Enable/disable boot from Internal


Network Adapter.


Boot Order―Set the boot order for:


Internal hard drive (select models only)


USB Floppy




USB flash drive


USB Hard drive


USB Card Reader


Network adapter



NOTE: Only the devices attached to the system will appear



in the boot order menu.




Diagnostics menu


To do this



Hard Disk Self Test (select models only)

Run a comprehensive self-test on the hard drive.



Memory Test

Run a diagnostic test on the system memory.



Computer Setup in Windows 7 73