NOTE: If the Replication Manager detects that the user is already logged in, an error message appears.

This can happen for two reasons.

When the Replication Manager browser is refreshed, the system may disconnect the user and require the user to log in again.

If the user closes the browser using the top-right-hand [x], the application signal is disconnected.

In either of these cases, if the user tries to log in before the previous session times out, the user must force the login.

Click OK to return to the login screen, enter the information again, select the Force Login box, then click Sign In.

IMPORTANT: After the first login as user name hprmsadmin and password hprmsadmin, change the hprmsadmin password. If the new password must be recorded, save it to a safe location. This will avoid unauthorized person accessing the system using the default login user name and password.

Identifying regions of the interface

Throughout this guide, procedures contain reference to regions of the Replication Manager interface. See Figure 1 (page 12) to become familiar with these regions. A populated system is shown.

Figure 1 Regions of the interface, administrator view

1. Masthead with login information

2. Navigation tree


Bread crumbs

4. Context-sensitive action buttons


List item filter

6. Content pane

Understanding administrator- and user-level permissions

Those with administrator-level permissions (administrators) can view all items in the Replication Manager. Those with user-level permissions (users) can only view those items for which the user has permissions. For this reason, more information and options are available to an administrator.

12 Getting Started