•“Select Output File” – the location and name of the xml import description file created by the PST Loader.
Changes From Previous Versions
If you have used PST Importer previously, you may notice that some changes have been made to the parameters entered in the PST Import Tools. The majority of these changes are to the various descriptions to improve clarity.
However, two options have been removed since they have been rendered obsolete:
•“Distribute to all recipients”
•“Ensure Owner Receipt”
Overall Configuration File Creation Process
This section is included to
When the PST Loader is first executed, you are presented with the following dialog box:
Figure 1. PST Loader Dialog Box
Two options are available here: you can either create a new “import description file” (XML), or open an existing file and schedule the job. When selecting “New”, you are presented with the following dialog box, “Create Import Description File – PST Loader”. This is used solely for creating the “import description file” (XML), and not for scheduling the job to run.
Figure 2. Create Import Description File – PST Loader Dialog Box