Installing and Configuring OWA Extension

To install OWA Extension, the following must happen:

1.Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (SP1, Update Rollout 5 or later) must be installed and configured with a CAS role (can also be a Mailbox Server) or on a standalone CAS server.

2.OWA 2007 must be installed and functional before installing OWA Extension.

3.The Exchange Administrator must create an archive service account (HPAEServiceAccount) with the following privileges necessary to perform the installation:

Must be a Domain Admin

Must have a mailbox in the domain

Must have full access to all other mailboxes

Must have permissions for ‘send-as’ and ‘receive-as’

4.The System Administrator must run HPOwaSetup.exe on the Exchange Server with CAS role.

5.Enter the “IAP Address” (VIP in BlackBoxConfig.bct) and select “Install” to install OWA Extension binaries in OWA and register forms.

For complete details on installing, configuring, and troubleshooting OWA Extension for Exchange 2000, 2003, and 2007, refer to the HP Email Archiving software for Microsoft Exchange Version 2.1 Installation Guide, Chapter 5 (“HP OWA Extension installation and configuration”) and Chapter 6 (“Troubleshooting”): nts/sw/ilm/rim_ease_2.1_IG_2009_05_13.pdf

OWA 2003 versus OWA 2007 Installation

The installation script HPOwaSetup.exe (for OWA Extension application for Exchange 2007 and OWA 2007) takes the place of CreateSite.vbs and OWASetup which are used for OWA 2003 on Exchange 2000 and 2003 installations.

With OWA 2003 on Exchange 2000 or 2003, the installation of OWA Extension was different for environments that had a Single/Standalone Exchange Server versus Front-end and Back-end (FE-BE) and Clustered Exchange Servers. A full installation of OWA Extension was required for Single/ Standalone Exchange Servers. For FE-BE or Clustered Exchange Servers, a full installation was only required for Back-end Exchange Servers and only a partial install for every Front-end Exchange Server.

This has changed with OWA 2007; OWA Extension installations are required on the Microsoft Exchange 2007 Server (SP1) with CAS Role.


For OWA Extension for OWA 2003, there is a separate installer on Exchange Server 2003 (which is a legacy feature).