OWA Extension on Exchange 2007 Architecture

The OWA Extension architecture is based upon Exchange Web services, which are an integral part of the Exchange 2007 architecture. OWA Extension is a Web Service Client Application that is installed on the customer’s Exchange 2007 server with a Client Access Server (CAS) role (described later in this document). OWA Extension integrates with IIS (which provides client communication) and Exchange Web Services (which provides communication to the previously installed Exchange/OWA 2007 environment). OWA Extension is integrated with IIS when the setup application (HPOwaSetup.exe) creates a virtual space named PERSISTMailItem within the OWA virtual directory.

Users may then log into the OWA client via Internet Explorer and connect to OWA 2007 and the OWA Extension integration.

The following architecture diagram shows how the OWA Extension application is integrated with the Exchange 2007 architecture.

Figure 1. The OWA Extension application and Exchange 2007 architecture





