To enable or disable this option: press Start , and then tap Settings > System > Error Reporting. Check the box if you wish to participate or uncheck the box if you do not wish to participate.

What is Managed Programs?

Managed Programs shows programs that have been installed on the device by your company via an Enterprise Server. You cannot delete or alter these programs.

To view the managed programs on your device: Press Start , and then tap Settings > System >

Managed Programs.What is the Certificates Application?

Certificates are an enhanced security feature for retrieving and registering new services. This application allows you to request a user certificate from a certificate server.

NOTE: Certificates detects the certificate types from Active Directory as well as from the device’s data store. You must enter a server name for retrieving the certificate, and if required, a valid username and password.

To access certificates, press Start , and then tap Settings > System > Certificates.

What is About?

This application shows the version of Window Mobile your device is running and identifies the processor and how much memory is on the device. It allows you to set the Device ID, which is used when your device communicates with other devices. About also shows copyright and legal information for some software installed on your iPAQ.

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