Planning Your You can use the Network Capacity Report to calculate the number of Network Capacity ports available on your network and identify which devices they belong
This provides a powerful planning tool which allows you to quickly view the devices which are close to using the maximum number of available ports. Using this information, you can then plan the number of ports that your network needs for the future.
For example, you can calculate the maximum number of ports that each device on your network can support. As your business grows, use a Network Capacity Report to display when this threshold is close to being reached.
You can then plan when you should start to invest in new devices, before the capacity is reached and the state of your network becomes critical.
Listing All the Devices The Network Topology Report lets you list and identify what devices and Attached to Each Port types of device are attached to each port. It gives you a printable list of
devices and their connectivity status. This makes it especially useful if you have to go into a wiring closet to modify a device or if you do not have a portable PC.
The list of devices includes a textual description of each attached device.
Network Discovery The Network Discovery Report outlines which of the discovered Report supported devices have unsupported agents installed.
It also provides details of which version of agent software is installed on a device and which version of agent software is the earliest supported by Network Supervisor for that type of device.