Chapter 8. SQL Remote Design forAdaptive Ser verEnter prise
Partitioning tables that do not contain thesubscription column
Inmany cases, the rows of a table need to be partitioned even when the
subscriptioncolumn does not exist in the table. Thissection describes how
tohandle this case, using an example.

The Contact example

TheContact database illustrates why and how to partition tables that do not
containthe subscription column.
Example Hereis a simple database that illustrates the problem. Wecall this database
theContact database, because it contains a Contact table in addition to the
twotables described earlier in this chapter.
contact_key char(10)
name char(40)
cust_key char(12)
cust_key char(12)
name char(40)
rep_key char(5)
rep_key char(5)
name char(40)
cust_key = cust_key
rep_key =
Eachsales representative sells to several customers. At some customers
thereis a single contact, while other customers have several contacts.
Thetables in the
database Thethree tables are described in more detail as follows: