Chapter 14. Utilities and Options Reference
Option Description
–xv Excludeviews
–xx Externalunload, external load
–y Overwritecommand file without confirmation
directory Thedirectory to which the files are written. Thisis
notneeded if you use -an or -ac
subscriber The subscriber for whom the database is to be
isthe extraction utility for Adaptive Server Enterprise. It is run
againsta Adaptive Server Enterprise and creates a command file for a
remoteAdaptive Server Anywhere database.
isthe extraction utility for Adaptive Server Anywhere. It is run
againstan Adaptive Server Anywhere database and creates a command file
fora remote AdaptiveServer Anywhere database.
Thereis no extraction utility to create remote Adaptive Server Enterprise
Theextraction utility creates a command file and a set of associated data
files. The command file can be run against a newly-initialized Adaptive
ServerAnywhere database to create the database objects and load the data
forthe remote database.
Bydefault, the command file is named
Ifthe remote user is a group, then all the user IDs that are members of that
groupare extracted. Thisallows multiple users on a remote database with
differentuser IDs, without requiring a custom extraction process.
SSXtractnotes Deprecatedfeature
In the next major release of SQL Anywhere Studio, SQL Remote for
AdaptiveServer Enterprise will not be present. MobiLinkprovides a more
flexible and scalable solution for data synchronization between Adaptive
ServerEnterprise and Adaptive Server Anywhere databases.
Notall Adaptive Server Enterprise objects have corresponding objects in
AdaptiveServer Anywhere. The
utilityhas the following
Singledatabase Allextracted objects must be in a single Adaptive