internet address, for package, 19, 20, 36, 38 mapping to logical name, 31
interruptible NFS mounts, 31
IP address, for package, 19, 20, 36, 38 mapping to logical name, 31
IP variable, in hanfs.sh script, 36 IP variable, in nfs.cntl script, 38
journalled file systems (xvfs), 31
lockd monitoring, 21 restarting, 20 stopping, 20
locked files, during package failover, 9 logging, NFS monitor script, 22 logical volumes
configuration, 30 specifying in nfs.cntl, 35, 37
LV variable, in nfs.cntl script, 35, 37 LVM volume groups, 35
monitor script (nfs.mon), 21 logging, 22
specified in hanfs.sh, 40 specified in nfs.cntl, 38 specified in nfs.conf, 46 starting, 19 stopping, 20 unconfiguring, 38, 46
mount points, 30 mount retry, 22 mountd, starting, 29 mounting file systems, 19 mutual takeover
sample configuration, 55
NET_SWITCHING_ENABLED, 38, 41 NFS client behavior, 8, 22
NFS control script (hansf.sh), 40
NFS control script (nfs.cntl), 19, 35, 37 example, 59, 61, 63, 68, 72, 79, 81, 86, 89 specified in nfs.conf, 46
NFS diskless, 9
NFS monitor script (nfs.mon), 21
logging, 22
specified in hanfs.sh, 40 specified in nfs.cntl, 38 specified in nfs.conf, 46 starting, 19 stopping, 20 unconfiguring, 38, 46
NFS mount points, 30 NFS servers
definition of, 8 diskless, 9 multiple active, 12, 55 starting, 30
NFS specific variables, 37 nfs.cntl (control script), 19, 35, 37
example, 59, 61, 63, 68, 72, 79, 81, 86, 89 specified in nfs.conf, 46
nfs.cntl.log file, 22
nfs.conf package configuration file default values, 47
example, 58, 60, 62, 67, 71, 78, 80, 85, 88 nfs.mon (monitor script), 21
logging, 22
specified in nfs.cntl, 38, 40 specified in nfs.conf, 46 unconfiguring, 38, 46
nfs.server script, 30
NFS_SERVER variable, 29
NFS_SERVICE_CMD, in nfs.cntl, 38, 40 NFS_SERVICE_NAME, in hanfs.sh, 40 NFS_SERVICE_NAME, in nfs.cntl, 38, 40 nfs_xmnt script, 49, 86, 89
nfsconf file, 21, 29
nfsd daemons, number of, 30
on highly available servers, 12, 17, 48, 49 NIS, 31, 36, 38, 49, 87, 90 NODE_NAME, in nfs.conf, 46
nointr option, mount, 31 NUM_NFSD variable, 30
/opt/cmcluster/nfs directory, 26
package configuration file (nfs.conf)