NOTE: This configuration is supported both in
Three data center configuration
Figure 10 Single-instance Data Guard setup in a Continentalclusters environment where the primary cluster is configured as a Metrocluster
Figure 10 (page 17), describes a Continentalclusters setup with two clusters spread over three different sites. The primary cluster is configured as a Metrocluster spread over two different sites that are geographically dispersed within the confines of a metropolitan area. The recovery cluster is configured on the third site as a Serviceguard cluster.
The primary database of Data Guard setup is configured as a primary package in the primary cluster (Metrocluster instance). The primary cluster has two data centers (sites), each of which have a storage array for storing the data. Metrocluster enables data written to the primary site to be replicated to the recovery site and hence, the primary database instance can failover to any node within the primary cluster.
The standby database is configured as a Data Receiver package in the recovery cluster. It receives the archived redo logs sent by the primary database instance irrespective of the node on which the primary database is running. Cross subnet failover is allowed across the sites.
When the primary cluster fails, the user must run the cmrecovercl command to halt the Data Receiver package and start the recovery package. When you run this command, the recovery package starts and brings up the Oracle database as a primary database. Thus, the standby instance does not run, after the role of the database is changed to primary. Multiple standby configurations are not supported within a Continentalclusters setup. However, the ODG toolkit in Continentalclusters does not restrict you from configuring standby databases that are placed outside the Continentalclusters environment.
Supported configuration | 17 |