NOTE: The package parameter, START_MODE, must be set to mountwhen an ECMT Oracle toolkit is used in combination with an ODG toolkit.
For an Active Data Guard, the standby database is started up to the [open] state. Set the ACTIVE_STANDBY parameter to [yes], if you have purchased the optional license to enable Active Standby functionality in the Oracle Data Guard Enterprise Edition. Active Data Guard is supported in Oracle database version 11gR1 or later.
RAC environment
ODG can also be set up in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment. This architecture combining the scalability and availability advantages of RAC with the site protection capabilities of Data Guard is called Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA).
The standby can be an Oracle RAC or a
NOTE: If the standby database is an RAC database, then only one of the standby instances can perform the recovery. For more information about configuring Oracle Data Guard in an RAC environment, see the Oracle website http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/ server.102/b14239/rac_support.htm
Figure 2 RAC environment
In Figure 2 (page 9), the primary site contains the production database using Oracle RAC and the symmetric secondary site maintaining physical standby using ODG.
In an RAC environment, the ODG toolkit can be combined with the SGeRAC toolkit in a single package. In SGeRAC, we need to configure two MNPs – Oracle Clusterware MNP (OC MNP) and RAC database instance MNP (RAC MNP). The “OC MNP ” allows SGeRAC to start or stop Oracle Clusterware processes. The “RAC MNP ” allows SGeRAC to start/stop the RAC instances via Oracle Clusterware. The ODG toolkit must be implemented as an MNP with the SGeRAC’s RAC MNP. The SGeRAC’s RAC MNP provides high availability for the Oracle database processes. Similarly, the ODG toolkit manages the Data Guard processes.
The ODG toolkit supports the following
1.Data Guard replication between RAC primary package and
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