NOTE: This configuration is supported both in single-instance and RAC environments. For better understanding, the packages in the Figure 10 (page 17) are shown for a single-instance database.

Configuring multiple instances of Oracle Data Guard

To support configuring Multiple instances of ODG single-instance/RAC databases, in one Serviceguard cluster, all the instances must be configured in such a way that they function independently. Each database must have different volume groups for storing the database and redo logs. It must use different Oracle database listeners and IP addresses or ports.

Figure 11 Multiple Data Guard instances in each Serviceguard cluster

Figure 11 (page 18), shows a supported configuration where two two-node Serviceguard clusters are configured to provide high availability to the Data Guard configurations. Two single-instance Data Guard primary databases are configured in Cluster 1 and one standby database is configured for each of the primary databases in Cluster 2. Both the clusters are independent of each other a package failover cannot occur between the two clusters. Both the primary database in Cluster 1 and the standby database in Cluster 2, and their corresponding redo logs are located on shared disks. Each database can be accessed from any nodes in their respective clusters. This enables failover of the primary and standby packages within the cluster, and provides high availability for both of them.

NOTE: This configuration is supported both in single-instance and RAC environments. For better understanding, the packages in the Figure 11 are shown for a single-instance database.

Benefits of Oracle Data Guard toolkit in various configurations

ODG toolkit configurations has the following benefits:

High availability for primary/secondary databases

Automation of start/stop of databases

Oracle Data Guard toolkit configuration in


Extended Distance Cluster environment

It uses only one Serviceguard cluster. It stretches a Serviceguard


cluster across data centers up to 100 km apart and provides


protection against site outages.

Continentalclusters environment

It provides push button automated role takeover of the ODG



Metrocluster environment

ODG databases can be configured for failover across two data


centers (which are up to 300 km apart) of the Metrocluster.

Three Data Center configuration

It provides data consistency of synchronous replication . It


protects against local and wide area disasters.

18 Serviceguard toolkit for Oracle Data Guard

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Image 18
HP Serviceguard Toolkits for Database Replication Solutions manual Configuring multiple instances of Oracle Data Guard