With this program:

You can: (continued)





Backup My PC

￿ Create computer backup files to protect your data and other important files on


(select models only)

your computer.



NOTE: This software is included with the Personal Media Drive only.





Microsoft Windows

￿ Import audio, video, and other media files from videotape, audiotape, Web


Movie Maker

cameras, or television broadcasts.


(select models only)

￿ Record audio and video files to create a video project that becomes a





Microsoft Windows Media source file with a .wmv extension.



￿ Edit and preview files.



￿ Send a movie in an e-mail or upload it to a Web server.



￿ Add music files (.mp3).



￿ Import audio files such as .mp3, .asf, or .wma; video files such



as .wmv, .asf, .avi, or .mpg; or image files such as .jpg or .gif.



￿ Create .avi and .wmv (Windows Media Video) files.








NOTE: You may have a software update CD included with your computer. You may need to install this CD before using the DVD Writer/CD Writer drive. To do this, follow the installation instructions that came with the CD.

Introducing Your Computer Software 105