Example 2-2 Example error logs

[Mon Dec 22 23:44:59 2009] [notice] [client] adm\

serv_host_ip_check: ap_get_remote_host could not resolve [Mon Dec 22 23:44:59 2009] [notice] [client] adm\ serv_host_ip_check: host [localhost.localdomain] did not match pattern [*.example.com] -will scan aliases

[Mon Dec 22 23:44:59 2008] [notice] [client] adm\ serv_host_ip_check: host alias [localhost] did not match pattern [*.example.com]

[Mon Dec 22 23:44:59 2008] [notice] [client] adm\

serv_check_authz(): passing [/admin-serv/authenticate] to the userauth handler

[Mon Dec 22 23:45:16 2008] [notice] [client] adm\

serv_host_ip_check: ap_get_remote_host could not resolve

2.4.3 Changing the log name in the console

The access and error log files' names can be changed to rotate the files. This rotation has to be done manually to create new files if the existing log files become too large.

1.Open the Admin Server management window.

2.Click the Configuration tab.

3.Click Logs in the left panel.4.In the Logs window on the right, enter the new log file name.WARNING!The path to the log file is absolute and cannot be changed.5.Click OK to save the changes.

6.Open the Tasks tab, and click the Restart Server button to restart the server and apply the changes.

12 Admin Server configuration