Figure 2-2 The Admin Server console

2.4 Viewing logs

Log files monitor activity for Admin Server and can help troubleshoot server problems. Admin Server logs use the Common Logfile Format, a broadly supported format that provides information about the server.

Admin Server generates two kinds of logs:

Access logs

Access logs show requests to and responses from the Admin Server. By default,


the file is located at /var/opt/dirsrv/admin-serv/log/access.

Error logs

Error logs show messages for errors which the server has encountered since


the log file was created. It also contains informational messages about the


server, such as when the server was started and who tried unsuccessfully to


log on to the server. By default, the file is located at /var/opt/dirsrv/



The logs can be viewed through Admin Server Console or by opening the log file.

2.4.1Viewing the logs through the console

1.Open the Admin Server management window.

2.Click the Configuration tab.

3.Expand the Logs directory, and click the log file name, either Accesses or Error.

10 Admin Server configuration