Related Topics
•Identifying Excessive Method Compilation (page 46)
•Method Compilation Frequency (page 135)
•Find a Search Pattern (page 179)
Method Compilation FrequencyProduces a graph that shows the compilation frequency. This is a companion to the existing Method Compilation Count. The Method Compilation Frequency metric provides a view of how much effort the JVM is spending on method compilation.
•A typical profile shows a lot of compilations as a Java application is starting up, then it usually goes down to a small number as things reach a steady state.
Related Topics
•Identifying Excessive Method Compilation (page 46)
•Method Compilation Count (page 134)
Loaded ClassesHPjmeter displays the number of classes loaded into memory for processing. This number usually stabilizes over time as processing progresses.
•The number of classes loaded at any one time tends to oscillate within a narrow range; typically less than 2 percent of all loaded classes will be unloaded or reloaded during application processing.
•If the number of loaded classes constantly grows, it indicates a possibility that the new classes, possibly dynamically created, may eventually fill the available memory and cause the application to crash.
Using Monitoring Displays 135