•Time – Only visible for separated sets. Select the time set from the dropdown list, which contains a sorted list of all time sets for the GC file. If there is more than one time set, the value All is also listed, which if chosen will display all time sets for this GC file in the table.
•% Allocated – Choose the equality = (the default), or one of the the comparative operators (> or <) from the dropdown list, and then supply a percentage value in the text field using numbers
•Bytes Allocated – Use the equality or comparitive operators and supply a numerical value in the text box.
•Invoke Count – Use the equality or comparitive operators and supply a numerical value in the text box.
•Average Size – Use the equality or comparitive operators and supply a numerical value in the text box using numbers
•Allocation Site – Enter any characters to match an allocation site listed in the table. Wildcards are allowed. You can enter the entire string or part of a string, making sure to match lowercase and uppercase. If an allocation site listed as a row in the table contains more than one string entered in the filter, any string that matches will match that row.
•Type – Enter any characters to match an allocation site type listed in the table. Wildcards are allowed. You can enter the entire string or part of a string, making sure to match lowercase and uppercase.
Using Specialized Garbage Collection Displays 165