$ /opt/java1.4/bin/java
With the addition of JVMTI in JDK 5.0, you should use the
Starting with Java 5.0,
•Using an alternate HPjmeter library to work with applications that are run with the
$ /opt/java1.5/bin/java
JVM Agent Options
This section provides the list of options for changing the JVM agent behavior and determining the Java version running on the system.
Showing Version InformationTo show the version information, useOR
Associates a port number with a JVM process when it is displayed in the console. This port number is unrelated to the port number used by the node agent, and so it is also unrelated to the optional port number that can be specified in the console when attaching to a managed node.
•It does not affect any communication, and is only part of the user interface. The appserver_port= usually corresponds to the port to which the application server listens.
•Example usage:Specifies that the JVM will be visible only to node agents run with the same
•You can specify only one of the options owner_private, group_private or public.
•Example usage:Configuring your Application to Use HPjmeter Command Line Options 17