NOTE: If you are running the HP JDK/JRE 5.0.04 or later, you can send a signal to the running JVM to start and stop a profiling data collection period with zero preparation and no interruption of your application. See Profiling with Zero Preparation (page 62).
1.Configure your application.Change the command line of your Java application to collect the desired type of data:
There are additional heap dump options. For more details, see the Java™ Troubleshooting Guide for
4.Click File→Open File to browse for and open the data file, or drag and drop the file onto the console.
5.For all profiling data types, a viewer window opens and displays a set of tabs containing summary and graphical metric data. You will also see the Metrics and Estimate menus containing additional metric display choices, and a control menu for changing thread scope.
30 Getting Started