Data from a session is saved by using the appropriate options on the command line when you start your application.
•Collecting Profile Data (page 61)
•Setting Data Collection Preferences (page 36)Console Tool Bar Buttons
Open File
Connect to Server

Select a previously saved monitor batch file, a snapshot file, or a profile data file to view.
After opening a saved file, you can review data using the menu metrics appropriate for the data file type.
Launches the Connect To Server dialog so that you can specify the name of the host and optional port of the target that you want to monitor. You must specify a port number if the node agent was started on a nonstandard port. See Connect to the Node Agent from the Console (page 23) for an example of the Connect to Server dialog box. You can also refer to Connecting to the HPjmeter Node Agent (page 197).
Allows you to save monitoring data from a live or cached session to a snapshot file. You can then analyze the session data later or send the data file to others for further analysis.
Launches the Session Preferences window so that you can change settings at the beginning of, or during (requires Java 6), a monitoring session. To activate the Session Preferences icon, first select an Open Session counter row in the console data tree.
Launches the Alert Controller so that you can change thresholds and time sustained for available alert settings. You can also set options for
Closes a selected monitoring session, deletes a connection with a selected node agent, or removes a selected saved data file entry from the data tree.
Console Menu Choices
The console menu bar contains these choices:•File
Click the menu item to toggle whether HPjmeter remembers the directory of the last input file upon exit/restart of the console window. With this menu item enabled, when you restart the console and do an Open File, it looks in the directory where
Using the Main Window Functions 97