program termination, 47 overhead
performance, 187 profiling, 74, 187 owner_private, 20
package filtering, 18
heap monitor, 40 parallel scavenge, 88 patches
required, 14, 15
PATH configure, 16
JRE and installation, 192 pattern
locating in search, 179 pause in garbage collection
heap monitor, 40 peak utilization
heap, 89
percent of time spent in garbage collection , 125 performance
console, 193 overhead, 187 tuning, 59
perm full GC, 88 permanent generation
spaces, 82 pooling
threads, 44 port
configuring node agents, 37 JVM agent options, 17 node agent daemon, 37
port number
Can't use port port_number, 195 preferences
alerts, 101 delete, 98 look and feel, 97 session, 100 standard, 98 window, 97
full GC data, 80
old generation data, 80
scavenge garbage collection data, 80 screens or data, 140
set process CPU usage alert, 113 set system CPU usage alert, 114
CPU usage (%), 113 swap indicator, 90
overhead, 74 profile data
collecting with zero preparation, 62 create benchmark, 60
intrusion, 187 overhead, 187 overview, 58 reading histograms, 73 tracing, 59 understanding the use of, 58 viewing, 29
locating hot spots, 78
options and corresponding metrics, 65 using sampling with, 59
zero preparation, 195 profiling viewer
behavior, 116 changing scope, 140 scope, 70
tabs, 116
program termination, 47 Prune, 77
public, 20
recursive calls indicator, 77
recursive methods and time, 69 time, 77
reference graph call graph tree, 75
requirements agent, 14 console, 14 patch, 14, 15 system, 14
restrictions access, 38
run_simple_jvmagent script, 32, 33, 35, 193 runtime
sample application memory leak, 33 running, 32 thread deadlock, 34
sampling considerations, 188