20Installation overview
Configuring secure shell (ssh) or remote shell before installing products
To create the DSA key pair
1On the source system (system1), log in as root, and navigate to the root directory.
system1 # cd /
2To generate a DSA key pair on the source system, type the following command:
system1 #
System output similar to the following is displayed:
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (//.ssh/id_dsa):
3Press Enter to accept the default location: /.ssh/id_dsa.
4When the program asks you to enter the passphrase, press the Enter key twice.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Do not enter a passphrase. Press Enter.
Enter same passphrase again:
Press Enter again.
5Make sure the /.ssh directory is on all the target installation systems (system2 in this example). If that directory is not present, create it on all the target systems and set the write permission to root only:
system2 # mkdir /.ssh