T-Mobile G1 User Guide R1.0 135 September 8, 2008
mute 83
speakerphone 83
the Dialer to call 80
phone incoming call ringtone
setting 28
phone information, viewing 31
phone numbers
storing for a contact 37
using links in Web pages 67
phone storage, space used/remaining 30
picture messages, See multimedia messages
capturing 99
copying to and from computer 98
cropping 103
deleting 103
displaying in albums 100
flipping picture orientation 103
navigating 101
rotating 103
picture display size 104
as contact picture (Caller ID) 102
screen orientation 101
to confirm deletion of pictures 104, 100
sharing 102
viewing a slideshow 103
viewing details 103
viewing full-screen 102
friend, what it means 53
Google Talk friend 53
music 107
shuffling songs 107
slideshow 103
songs, repeat mode 107
playback music controls 107
create a .m3u playlist 109
creating for songs 108
loading your own 109
managing for songs 109
music 105
My recordings 59, 108
supported formats 109
playlists, supported formats 105
plugins (Gears)
enabling in the Browser 70
viewing permissions requested 70
POP3 or IMAP email accounts
adding 48
compose new 49
editing settings 50
frequency of checking for messages 50
reading messages 48
refreshing messages 48
removing from phone 49
sending email from by default 48
pop-up windows
blocking in Web pages 69
power on/off phone 20
preventing while charging phone 30
applications from Android Market 111
putting call-in-progress on hold 83
quick launch
setting up 29