Experiencing Multimedia 181
To move a MIDlet or folder to another location
1. On the Java screen, select the MIDlet/MIDlet suite or folder by using
2. Select Menu > Actions > Move.
3. Select the location where you want to move the MIDlet or folder to
and then select OK.
Tip Select Menu > New Folder to create a new folder.
To view protection information of a MIDlet
If the MIDlet/MIDlet suite is protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management),
there are some restrictions on how you can use the MIDlet/MIDlet suite.
DRM is a technology used by publishers to control access to digital data.
1. On the Java screen, select the MIDlet/MIDlet suite or folder by using
2. Select Menu > Actions > Protection.
3. Choose the information you want to view and then select Select.