HTC Rev. A05 service manual FM Radio

Models: Rev. A05

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HTC Corporation


Doc. Title

Diamond Service Manual

Doc. No.

DOC-00040624 REV.

Issued Date




Revised Date



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￿Tri-Axis Accelerometer

￿Resolution: 1.22 milli-g

rtrait￿ Auto/ landscapepo mode change when device

orientation change

FM Radio

ring￿ Turange: 87.5Mhz ~ 108Mhz

ency￿ Frequspace: 100Khz to￿ Auchannel search

Digital Camera

amera:￿ Main (manufacture option) ga￿ 3-pixmel camera auto focus d￿camera:2n (manufacture option)

￿Color CMOS VGA camera

Keyboard/Button/Switch wer￿ Pobutton (Wake up key)

￿Short Press: system on/off ng￿ LoPress: power on/off

C￿ navigatorHT include -￿way5 navigator pad


ack￿ B / Clear


-gLonpress during the call: handsfree on/off


e￿Up/DownVolum button



￿Notification by sound, vibration, navigator LEDs or status shown on the display


￿Built-in Microphone


ud￿ Lospeaker for Hands-Free supported

uplex￿ Full d

o￿samplingAudi rate

￿Recording (uplink): 8-bits or 16-bits with 8KHz, 11KHz, 22KHz, 44KHz

ck￿ Playba(downlink): 16-bits with 44KHz

￿AMR-NB/AMRWB/ AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WAV/WMA/MP3 codec o￿PathAudi Routing

oth￿ Blueto



set￿ Head

Connectivity & Interface

oth￿ Blueto

￿Compliant with v2.0 with EDR ass￿ Cl2 transmit power

ported￿ Sup profiles:

P￿ (genericGA access profile) erial￿ SPPport(sprofile) bject￿ OPPpush(o profile)

￿GOEP (generic object exchange profile) tiveSync￿ Ac -Over-Bluetooth

￿HSP (headset profile)

P￿ (handsfreeHF profile)

DP￿ A2(Advanced Audio Distribution profile)

￿AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote control Profile) D￿ (HumanHI interface device profile) cess￿ SIMProfileAc

ce￿ ServiDiscovery Application Profile

￿BPP (basic printing profile)

￿FTP (file transfer profile)

￿PAN (personal area networking profile)

￿DUN (Dial-up profile)

￿PBAP (Phone Book Access Profile)



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HTC Rev. A05 service manual FM Radio