HTC Rev. A05 service manual Stylus

Models: Rev. A05

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HTC Corporation


Doc. Title

Diamond Service Manual

Doc. No.

DOC-00040624 REV.

Issued Date




Revised Date



8 of 109

￿Co-exist with WiFi Fi￿ Wi[manufacture option]

￿IEEE 802.11b/g compliant

￿Internal WLAN antenna

￿Data rate auto fallback for extended range

￿ELP mode

curity￿ Se 802.11i and AES

￿WPA2 authentication – WEP, WPA2, PSK, EAP-TLS, PEAP, LEAP, EAP-SIM aling￿ Signterfaces between the terminal

device and the servers: mutually authenticated and encrypted utilizing TLS (RFC 2246) with RC4 encryption with SGA1 used as the message integrity check


2￿.1180WME QoS


st￿ FaAP to AP handover

￿HTC ExtUSB 11-pin mini-USB

￿USB 2.0 Client with High / Full Speed o￿JackAudi

2W￿ Hsupport

ss￿ Mastorage support

￿1.8/3V USIM/SIM card slot

onnector￿ RF for testing



wo￿ Tremovable and rechargeable Lithium ion battery sku, 900 mAH

rging￿ Chatime: < 3 hours

￿Battery life – 900mAH WMV:￿ Playing7 hours Playing WMA: 10 hours

k￿time:Tal 2.95 ~ 5.2 hours for GSM

k￿time:Tal 1.3 ~ 5.2 hours for UMTS

o￿TelephonyVide time: 77~109 minutes

by￿ Standtime: 219~329 hours for GSM

by￿ Standtime: 195 ~ 379 hours for UMTS daptor￿ AC a

put:￿ AC100in ~ 240V AC, 50/60 Hz

e￿deviceTh shall be able to detect the AC adapter complied with China adapter standard.

e￿ACTh adapter which ship to China shall comply with China adapter standard

ut:￿ DC5V outpand 1A nt￿ Ambielightsensor


ck￿ Lotype mechanism with plug in /out detect and magnetic function

Lanyard Hole

￿A lanyard hole allow user to attach various stylish pendant to the phone.


ck￿ QuiStart Guide [Inbox]

￿CD (User manual & Sync. software) [Inbox] n￿ProtScreector [Inbox]


￿Travel Charger [Inbox]

￿USB Sync Cable (mini-USB/USB) [Inbox]

￿Battery with battery cover [Inbox]

red￿ WiStereo Headset [Inbox] uch￿ Po[Inbox]


￿3.5 mm audio adaptor cable with earphone, HS


red￿ WiRemote Controller with Earphone, RC E100 no￿ MoBluetooth Headset, BH M200 o￿BluetoothStere Headset, BH S100



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HTC Rev. A05 service manual Stylus