HTC Rev. A05 service manual Compatibility Test

Models: Rev. A05

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HTC Corporation


Doc. Title

Diamond Service Manual

Doc. No.

DOC-00040624 REV.

Issued Date




Revised Date



9 of 109

￿Bluetooth Keyboard

-￿in4-1 multifunction audio cable r￿ChCarger


40mAH￿ 13 extended battery

Compatibility Test :

Below accessories are required to do the compatibility test

no￿ MoBluetooth Headset, BH M100 e￿11Y-Cablpinto 5pin + 6pin

e￿11Y-Cablpinto 5pin + 3.5 mm Audio Jack e￿11Y--Cablpinto 5-pin + 2.5 mm Audio Jack sfree￿ HandCarkit : Parrot CK3400LS, Parrot MK6100,

Parrot Minikit, Audi, BMW & Mercedes incar solutions oth￿ BluetoConference: Parrot Conference

oth￿ BluetoSpeaker: Parrot Boombox

Microsoft Windows Mobile 6 Professional (PPC)



rosoft￿ Mic Outlook Mobile


lend￿ Car, Contacts, Me

ssaging (SMS/E-mail),

Tasks, & Voice Notes, Email Set Up Wizard h￿MailPus

crosoft￿ Mi Internet Explorer Mobile crosoft￿ Mi Media Player Mobile rosoft￿ Mic ActiveSync

crosoft￿ Mi Windows Mobile Update crosoft￿ Mi Windows Mobile Marketplace

￿Internet Sharing re￿ Pictu&Video mes￿ Ga

￿File Explorer

￿Device Management curity￿ Se Enhancement


ge￿ StoraCard Encryption, Device Lock rosoft￿ Mic Office Mobile

￿Word, Excel & PowerPoint Mobile crosoft￿ Mi Windows Live!

ndows￿ Wi Live Messenger ndows￿ Wi Live Mail (Push Mail) ndows￿ Wi Live Contacts ndows￿ Wi Live Search ndows￿ Wi Live Spaces ndows￿ Wi Smart Dialing

crosoft￿ Mi Remote Desktop Mobile [optional]

Value Added Applications a￿/CamerCamcorder

ra￿ CameMod

codi￿ Eng format: JPEG

￿Resolution: 2048x1536 (if camera is 3M), UXGA 1600x1200, SXGA 1280x960, VGA 640x480, QVGA 320x240, QQVGA 160x120 ght￿ NiMode

gital￿ Di Zooming: up to 8x nd￿ TimeDateaStamp corder￿ CamMode

s￿encoding15 fp for QVGA resolution codi￿ Eng format

63￿ H+.2AMR-NB


ngtone￿ Ri


olyphonic￿ 40 & Standard MIDI format 0 and 1 (SMF) / SP MIDI


rectShow￿ Di Filters for WMP - Audio

o￿PlaybackAudi format: AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, MP3, WMA, WAV, AMR, AMR-NB/WB, M4A, AWB, SPMidi


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HTC Rev. A05 service manual Compatibility Test