The WPS indicator on the HG630a starts blinking, indicating that the WPS negotiation is in progress.
Step 2 Enable the WPS negotiation function on the computer within 2 minutes.
Wait for a while, the WPS indicator on the HG630a stops blinking and turns steady on, indicating that a wireless connection is set up between the HG630a and computer.
You need to wait for 10~120 seconds.
The WPS indicator is on for about 300 seconds and then turns off.
3.2 Setting Up a Wireless Connection Manually
If your network adapter does not support the WPS function, you can also set up a wireless connection manually. The following example uses a computer running the Window XP operating system to describe how to set up a wireless connection using the default wireless network name and password:
Step 1 Enable the wireless configuration service provided by Windows XP.
2.In the Computer Management window, choose Computer Management (Local) > Services and Applications > Services.
4.Check that Service status is Started. If Service status is not Started, click Start.
5.Click OK to close the dialog box, and then close the Computer Management window.
Step 2 Record the wireless network name (SSID) and its password (WLAN Key) printed on the label on the HG630a's rear panel.
If the default wireless network name and password have been changed, use the new ones.
Step 3 Configure the wireless network connection on the computer as follows: