sound that you had been using would be available again with- out having to dial it in again in the event of a power outage or similar mishap.
You can choose the preferred alternative in the system menu of the zenTera®.
Turn the WTYPE knob until WAKE UP appears in the display.
Use the WPARA 1 / WPARA 2 knobs to set either LAST PRESET or
If you want the amp to display the parameters of a preset as they were when it was originally created so that you can view them, use WTYPE to dial up this menu. This is a special feature designed specifically to display all of a preset's settings.
This spares you the hassle of checking out each parameter individually via its respective knob and prevents you from unintentionally editing these settings. You can call up all settings one after another via WPARA 1 or WPARA 2. They are displayed in the following sequence:
• Preset Name | • Insfx Para1 | • Delfx Para1 |
• Amp Type | • Insfx Para2 | • Delfx Para2 |
• Sensitivity | • Modfx Name | • Delay Pre bzw. |
• Gain | • Modfx Mix | Delay Post |
• Bass | • Modfx Para1 | • Rev Name |
• Mid | • Modfx Para2 | • Revfx Mix |
• Treble | • Modfx Pre bzw. | • Rev Para1 |
• Presence | Modfx Post | • Rev Para2 |
• Volume | • Delfx Name | • Reverb Pre bzw. |
• Insfx Name | • Delfx Mix | Reverb Post |
Here you can define the MIDI base channel over which the zenTera® communicates. Turn WTYPE until MIDI SETUP BASE CHANNEL appears in the display. Use the WPARA 1 / WPARA 2 knobs to set the desired channel
This submenu determines if and how the zenTera sends MIDI pro- gram change messages (these are commands that change pre- sets remotely via MIDI) and how it responds when it receives these messages.
Turn WTYPE until MIDI PROGCHG appears in the display. Using WPARA 1 or WPARA 2, select the desired mode from the follo- wing options:
PROGCHG OFF: The zenTera does not send MIDI program chan- ges, nor does it respond to incoming messages. For example, this option does not allow you to address an external effect device via MIDI, and you cannot use a MIDI switcher to change the zenTera’s presets.
PROGCHG ONLY: This is the default in Software 2.0. The zenTera sends and processes MIDI program changes. Note that messages are sent without bank select commands because these are irre- levant (for the time being, that is). More on this in the next sec- tion.
PROGCHG CC00 and CC32: MIDI program changes are sent with bank select commands. Though this option is unnecessary at this point, it will become very useful if and when a future software upgrade provides the zenTera with over 128 memory slots.
This menu lets you determine if the zenTera® responds to MIDI requests by sending SysEx data (for example, presets and system settings). Turn WTYPE until MIDI SYSEX SEND appears in the display. Then enter YES or NO via the WPARA 1 or WPARA 2 knobs.
This submenu lets you set the zenTera® so that it is able to Receive SysEx data. Turn WTYPE until MIDI SYSEX RECEIVE appears in the display. Then enter YES or NO via the WPARA 1 or WPARA 2 knobs.
This menu lets you create backups of your settings on an external storage medium such as your PC. This comes in handy if, for example, you play in several bands. With this option, you can download the presets that you need for each band from your archive whenever you need them. Beyond that, you can swap presets with other zenTera® users via MIDI DUMP. And this of course affords you data protection in the unlikely event that your zenTera® has to go in for repairs and you want to use a backup amp.
Connect your zenTera®'s MIDI OUT port with the MIDI IN port of your PC or another zenTera®.
Turn WTYPE until MIDI DUMP appears in the display. Use
WPARA 1 or WPARA 2 to select the MIDI data that you want the zenTera® to send:
For the record, ACTIVE PRESET sends the currently active preset, ALL PRESET sends all presets. SYSTEM CONFIG sends the system menu’s settings, MIDI MAP sends the data contained in the MIDI MAPPING menu (see section 7.11), and ALL sends all stored data. Send data by tapping rPARA 1.
SYSEX SEND must be set to YES to ensure data is transferred correctly. If your zenTera is receiving data from another zenTera®, a PC or similar device, MIDI SYSEX RECEIVE must be set to YES. You can also of course request the zenTera’s settings via MIDI (REQUEST; see the appendix).
To ensure flawless uploading, MIDI SYSEX SEND must be set to YES. If you want to download data from another zenTera®, a PC or similar device, make sure that you set MIDI SYSEX RECEIVE to YES. You can of course request the zenTera®'s settings via MIDI (REQUEST; see appendix for details).
If you employ a MIDI foot controller, use this menu to determine which of the zenTera®'s presets are switched through program change messages sent from the foot controller. This is a particularly handy option when you want to the switch an external signal processor's effect programs at the same time via MIDI.
Use WTYPE to dial in the MIDI MAPPING menu. Tap rPARA 1 or rPARA 2 to switch the function ON or OFF. Turn WPARA 1 to dial in one of the program numbers of your MIDI foot controller.
Turn WPARA 2 to assign to this memory slot one of the zenTera®'s 128 presets.
You may at some point elect to connect several zenTera®s in a | Using a standard |
MIDI chain and need to address these individually via MIDI SysEx | presets upwards (UP) or downwards (DOWN), or you can switch |
commands. The MIDI device ID rather than the MIDI base | back and forth between two presets (TOGGLE). This menu lets |
channel is used for this purpose. To this end, select the menu via | you select the desired UP/DOWN/TGL function. |
WTYPE and choose a device ID between 1 and 127 (default value = 1) using WPARA 1 or WPARA 2.
W: TURN KNOB r: CLICK s: | 13 |