Main Menu Guide
1. Press the button to move the Item window.
2. Use the buttons to select the Forward Error Correction of
the transponder.
You can select the value of Auto, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 , 7/8 and
1. Press the button to move to the item window
2. You can select Yes or No. When you select “Yes” you can find
more transponders using the home network.
As it refers to NIT during searching, if there is the frequency
information of other transponder, it searches the other
transponder besides the transponder that the user inputs.
1. Press the button to move to the item window
2. You can select Yes or No. When you select “Yes” the search
will skip all scrambled services.
When the found services are scrambled during searching,
they are not listed up.
Refer to descriptor of PMT whether it is scrambled or not.
FEC (Forward Error Correction)
Network Search
Automatic Skip