Add a Waypoint Target or Trolling Grid



Add or Remove a Waypoint Target: From the Waypoints


Waypoint Target





submenu, select Target and press the RIGHT Cursor key




to display a list of waypoints. Select the waypoint you




want to target. A target consisting of concentric circles




centered on the selected waypoint will appear on all of




the navigation views; the target shows various distance




ranges from the targeted waypoint. To remove the




target, choose Remove Target from the Navigation




X-Press™ menu.




Chart View with Target




Add or Remove a Trolling Grid: From the Waypoints




submenu, select Grid and press the RIGHT Cursor key to




display a list of waypoints. Select the waypoint to which




you want to add the grid. The trolling grid will appear on all




of the navigation views, and can be used as a guide when




trolling around a waypoint. The grid can be rotated to any






desired heading using Grid Rotation from the Navigation










Main menu. To remove the trolling grid, choose Remove




Grid from the Navigation X-Press™ menu.





Chart View with Grid

NOTE: Only one waypoint can have either a target or a grid at one time. If you apply a target or a grid to a new waypoint, the original waypoint will lose its target or grid.

NOTE: The spacing of the rings on the waypoint target and the spacing of the grid lines on the trolling grid is the same as the length of the scale bar on the left edge of the display. Zooming in or out will decrease or increase the spacing, respectively.