Combo View

Combo View - This view is displayed as a split screen, with Chart View on the left and Sonar View on the right side of the screen. The width of the sonar window can be changed.

Combo View



Sonar Window

Map Scale
















Water Surface







Bearing of Boat













with Respect to










True North











Speed of Boat

View Orientation

Both Chart and Combo views allow you to choose the orientation of the view. When North-Up orientation is selected, True North is shown at the top of the display. In other words, objects located to the north of the boat are drawn above the boat. When Course-Up orientation is selected, the direction of motion of the boat is shown at the top of the display. In other words, objects ahead of the boat are drawn above the boat. In both orientations, the view pans automatically, so that the boat is always centered on the display. When the boat is stationary, it is drawn as a circle. When the boat is in motion, it takes on a boat shape, pointed in the direction of motion (always Up in the Course-Up orientation).