Spot Soundings
Spot Soundings allows you to display or hide spot
soundings, which are depth measurements shown on the chart.
NOTE: Spot Soundings are only available with
To change the Spot Soundings setting:
1.Highlight Spot Soundings on the Chart main menu.
2.Use the LEFT or RIGHT
North Reference
North Reference allows you to have bearings
displayed with one of two orientations: True North or Magnetic North.
To change the North Reference setting:
1.Highlight North Reference on the Navigation main menu.
2.Use the LEFT or RIGHT
Grid Rotation
Grid Rotation allows you to set the orientation of the trolling grid in degrees, where a setting of 0° displays a standard North, South, East, West alignment. See Waypoints for information on how to set a Grid.
To change the Grid Rotation setting:
1.Highlight Grid Rotation on the Navigation main menu.
2.Use the LEFT or RIGHT