To Select Readouts:
1.Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode, then highlight Select Readouts on the Setup main menu.
2.Use the RIGHT
3.The Select Readouts submenu will appear, showing a list of all Readouts. Use the UP or DOWN Cursor keys to select a particular Readout position, then use the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to change what will be displayed at that position. (Course, Navigation, Position, Off, Speed, Temperature, Time+Date, Triplog, Voltage)
Depth Offset
Depth Offset will adjust the digital depth readout to indicate depth from the waterline or boat's keel. Enter a positive vertical measurement from the transducer to the waterline to read the depth from the waterline. Enter a negative vertical measurement from the transducer to keel to read the depth from the keel. This menu choice is available only when in Advanced User Mode (see Setup Menu Tab: User Mode.)
To change the Depth Offset setting:
1.Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode, then highlight Depth Offset on the Setup menu.
2.Use the LEFT or RIGHT