Manual Programming

Your thermostat can be programmed for week- days and weekends, or have unique programs for all 7 days. Use Weekday/Weekend Programming below or 7-day Programming on page 21 to enter or revise programs to match your Personal Pro- gram Schedule.

Familiarize yourself with Manual Programming, so that you can easily modify your programs as your comfort needs change. The example below dem- onstrates how to program your thermostat.

NOTE: 1) The program time can be set in 10 minute increments, and remains the same for both Heat and Cool programs.

2)The program temperature can be set in increments of 1°F (1°C).

3)After 15 seconds without a key press, the thermostat will return to normal display mode.

4)When setting the program time, note the AM / PM indicator.

5)With the Auto Recovery feature en- abled, you do not need to set your comfort program times early. Auto Recovery will determine how early to turn your system on, so that the room is comfortable at the program time.