41711-01 11/28/2005 9 ©2005 HUNTER FAN CO.
To obtain a service part for your humidifi er, call customer service at 1-888-830-1326 or e-mail
us at Techsupport@hunterfanhq.com. Please be prepared to tell the operator the model number
of your humidifi er and the name of the part you need to replace and the part number. Refer
to Figure 1 for part names.

Service Parts

the tank to completely dry. Continue to
clean the other parts of your humidifi er.
9. Remove the water diffuser cap by
squeezing the two tabs as shown in Figure
8. Rinse the cap in clean water to remove
any debris. If the cap contains hard water
residue, soak it in a mixture of one (1) quart
of water and two (2) ounces of vinegar for
20 minutes. Rinse well and reinstall the
water diffuser cap. Do not expose mo-
tor or other electrical components to
10. Wipe the surfaces of the main housing with
a soft cloth.
11. Once all the parts are clean, reassemble the
humidifi er, and follow the USING YOUR
HUMIDIFIER instructions to continue use.
If you are storing the humidifi er, make
sure the parts are completely dry, reas-
semble, and store in a dry location.
No. Filter Frame Base Water Tank Knob A Knob B Tank Cap Water
Diffuser Cap Filter
95449-01-000 95402-01-325 95160-01-326
65115-01-325 86113-01-325 74884-01-000
33250A 65114-01-325
34351 95451-01-000 95401-01-325 95182-01-326 74082
37200 95449-01-000
95402-01-325 95160-01-326 7408037250 95449-01-001 65114-01-325
37251 95449-01-000
37350 95451-01-000 95401-01-325 95182-01-326 65114-01-325 74082

Figure 8

Diffuser Cap Tab
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