7. Garden example - proposed installation and settings
Proposals for installation and settings
Area: 500 m2. There are several islands. No guide wire is necessary. The mower’s default settings do not need to be changed.
Timer: Operating time of 7 hours per day.
Garden shape: Open.
Exit angles: One sector 90°- 270°.
Search method: Irregular.
Delay: Guide wire 7 minutes and boundary wire 11 minutes.
Corridor width: 6.
Area: 1,000 m2. There is one small island. No guide wire is necessary.
Timer: Operating time of 14 hours per day.
Garden shape: Normal.
Exit angles: One sector
Follow loop out: Direction to the Left, Distance 20 m and Proportion 25 %.
Search method: Irregular and Follow boundary wire in.
Delay: Guide wire 7 minutes and boundary wire 11 minutes.
Corridor width: 6.
Area: 1,500 m2. Guide wire recommended.
Timer: Operating time of 24 hours per day.
Garden shape: Complex.
Exit angles: One sector
Follow loop out: Area 1; Direction Guide,
Distance 40 m and Proportion 20 %. Area 2;
Direction left, Distance 50 m and
Proportion 40 %.
Search method: Irregular, Follow guide wire in and Follow boundary wire in.
Delay: Guide wire 4 minutes and boundary wire 20 minutes.
Corridor width: Guide wire 2, boundary wire 6.
68 Automower from ™