Error Messages
940331-002, rev. A Hypercom Corporation 2-3
Line Busy
Line Busy indicates the terminal does not detect a dial tone. The following is a list of options to clear
the error message:
Verify that the telephone line is plugged into the line port.
Verify that the line is analog and not digital.
Plug the line into a telephone and verify that you hear a dial tone.
Replace Handset
If the terminal shares the phone line with a telephone, terminal fu nctions are unavailable while the
handset is off-hook.
Verify that the ICE terminal is in Dial mode.
Unsupported Card
The card being swiped through the terminal is not accepted at the merchant. The following is a list of
options to clear the error message.
Verify that the card ranges are set up correctly in Term-Master.
Verify that the issuer is set up correctly in Term-Master.
Verify that the card range table is complete in Term-Master.
ERROR—Wrong Trans
ERRORWrong Trans indicates the Visa II Table in the Term-Master profile was not correctly filled out
with the required information for the Visanet, NDC, or MAPP modules on the Hypercom System