CCA Release 2.54
Some verbs accept a key label containing a “wild card” represented by an asterisk
(*). (X'2A' in ASCII; X'5C' in EBCDIC). When a verb permits the use of a wild
card, the wild card can appear as the first character, as the last character, or as the
only character in a name token. Any of the name tokens can contain a wild card.
Examples of valid key labels include the following:
Examples of invalid key labels include the following:
A/.B (includes an unacceptable character, “/”)
ABCDEFGH9 (name token too long)
11111111. (first character numeric)
A1111111. (too many name tokens)
BANKSYS.XXXXX.43.D (more than one wild card in a name token).
Chapter 7. Key-Storage Verbs 7-3