Cryptographic_Facility_Query CCA Release 2.54
Figure 2-3 (Page 1 of 7). Cryptographic_Facility_Query Information Returnedin
the Rule Array
Name Description
Output rule-array for option STATCCA
1NMK Status State of the New Master-Key register:
One means the register is clear
Two means the register contains a partially
complete key
Three means the register contains a
complete key.
2CMK Status State of the Current Master-Key register:
One means the register is clear
Two means the register contains a key.
3OMK Status State of the Old Master-Key register:
One means the register is clear
Two means the register contains a key.
4CCA Application
A character string that identifies the version of
the CCA application program that is running in
the Coprocessor.
5CCA Application
Build Date
A character string containing the build date for
the CCA application program that is running in
the Coprocessor.
6User Role A character string containing the Role identifier
which defines the host application user's
current authority.
2-36 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005