Digital_Signature_Verify CCA Release 2.54
1. The hash for PKCS-1.1 and PKCS-1.0 should have been created using
MD5 or SHA-1 algorithms.
2. The hash for ISO-9796 and ZERO-PAD can be obtained by any hashing
The PKA_public_key_identifier_length parameter is a pointer to an integer
variable containing the number of bytes of data in the
PKA_public_key_identifier variable. The maximum length is 2500 bytes.
The PKA_public_key_identifier parameter is a pointer to a string variable
containing either a key label identifying a key-storage record or a registered
public-key, or a key token.
The hash_length parameter is a pointer to an integer variable containing the
number of bytes of data in the hash variable.
The hash parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the hash
information to be verified.
Keyword Meaning
Digital-signature-hash formatting method (one, optional, for RSA)
X9.31 Format the hash according to the ANSI X9.31 standard and
compare to the digital signature. See “Formatting Hashes and
Keys in Public-Key Cryptography” on page D-19.
PKCS-1.1 Format the hash as specified in the RSA Data Security, Inc.,
Public Key Cryptography Standards #1 block type 01 and
compare to the digital signature. The RSA PKCS #1 standard
refers to this as RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 when you BER encode
the hash as described under the second note to the hash
parameter. See “PKCS #1 Formats” on page D-19.
ISO-9796 Format the hash according to the ISO 9796-1 standard and
compare to the digital signature. This is the default. See
“Formatting Hashes and Keys in Public-Key Cryptography” on
page D-19.
PKCS-1.0 Format the hash as specified in the RSA Data Security, Inc.,
Public Key Cryptography Standards #1 block type 00 and
compare to the digital signature. See “PKCS #1 Formats” on
page D-19.
ZERO-PAD The supplied hash value is placed in the low-order bit
positions of a bit-string of the same length as the modulus
with all non-hash-value bit positions set to zero. After
ciphering the supplied digital signature, the result is compared
to the hash-extended bit string.
4-8 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005