PKA_Key_Token_Build CCA Release 2.54
The key_name_length parameter is a pointer to an integer variable containing
the number of bytes of data in the optional key_name variable. If this variable
contains zero, the key-name section is not included in the target token. If a key
name is to be included, the value must be 64 for this verb.
The key_name parameter is a pointer to a string variable containing the name
of the key. The name of the key can consist of the characters A...Z, 0...9, #, $,
@, or period (.), and must begin with an alphabetic character. See “Key-Label
Content” on page 7-2.
The reserved_x_length parameters are each a pointer to an integer variable
containing the number of bytes of data in the corresponding reserved_x
variable. These variables are reserved for future use, and each variable should
contain zero.
Figure 3-3 (Page 2 of 2). PKA_Key_Token_Build Key-Values-Structure Contents
018 nnn Modulus, n.
eee Public exponent, e, integer value, 1<e<n, e must be odd.
When you are building a skeleton_key_token to control the generation
of an RSA key pair, the public key exponent can be one of the following
values: 3, 65537 (216+1), or 0 (zero) to indicate that a full-random
exponent should be generated. The exponent field can be a null-length
field if the exponent value is zero.
ppp Prime number, p.
qqq Prime number, q.
rrr dp = d mod(p-1).
sss dq = d mod(q-1)
uuu U = q-1mod(p)
All length fields are in binary
All binary fields (exponents, lengths, and so forth) are stored with the high-order byte first
(left, low-address, big endian, S/390 format).
3-18 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005