CCA Release 2.54
The CKSN is the concatenation of a terminal identifier and a sequence number
which together define a unique terminal (within the set of terminals associated with
a given base key) and the sequence number of the transaction originated by that
terminal. Each time the terminal completes a transaction, it increments the
sequence number and modifies the transaction-encryption key retained within the
terminal. The key-modification process is a one-way function so that tampering
with the terminal will not reveal previously used keys. For details of this process,
see “UKPT Calculation Methods” on page E-13.
PIN-Extraction Methods
Before a verb can process a formatted and encrypted PIN, the verb must decrypt
the PIN block and extract the PIN from the PIN block. The PIN verbs support
multiple PIN-extraction methods. The valid PIN-extraction method depends on the
PIN-block format.
You can specify a PIN-extraction method or use the default method for the
PIN-block format. To specify a PIN-extraction method, you use a keyword in the
rule_array parameter for the verb.
Figure 8-5 shows the keywords for the PIN-extraction methods that are valid for
each PIN-block format. When only one PIN-extraction method is valid, the keyword
is the default value. When more than one method is valid, the first keyword is the
default value.
The PIN-extraction method keywords operate as described:
PINBLOCK Depending on the contents of the PIN block, this keyword specifies
that the verb use one of the following items to identify the PIN:
The PIN length, if the PIN block contains a PIN-length field
The PIN-delimiter character, if the PIN block contains a
PIN-delimiter character.
PADDIGIT This keyword specifies that the verb use the pad value in the PIN
profile to identify the end of the PIN.
HEXDIGIT This keyword specifies that the verb use the first occurrence of a
digit in the range from X'A' to X'F' as the pad value to determine
the PIN length.
PINLENxx This keyword specifies that the verb use the length specified in
the keyword, where xx can range from 04 to 16 digits, to identify
the PIN.
PADEXIST This keyword specifies that the verb use the character in the sixt
position of the PIN block as the value of the pad value.
Figure 8-5. PIN-Extraction Method Keywords by PIN-Block Format
PIN-Extraction Method Keywords (Used in the Rule Array)
8-12 IBM 4758 CCA Basic Services, Release 2.54, February 2005