In
some
cases,
PickList
values
are
chosen
based
on
more
than
one
attribute.
For
example,
where
there
is
more
than
one
Account
with
the
same
name,
a
Contact
retrieve
will
get
the
first
Account
with
that
name
if
Account
name
is
set
as
the
only
PickList
value.
To
ensure
that
the
correct
data
is
retrieved,
you
can
restrict
the
PickList
by
more
than
one
field.
In
the
following
example,
the
Contact
business
object
is
restricted
by
Account,
Site
and
City:
[Key
Attribute]
Name
=
ContactId
Type
=
String
Cardinality
=
AppSpecificInfo
=
Name
=
Last_Name
Type
=
String
Cardinality
=
AppSpecificInfo
=
FN=Last
Name
Name
=
First_Name
Type
=
String
Cardinality
=
AppSpecificInfo
=
FN=First
Name
Name
=
Site
Type
=
String
Cardinality
=
AppSpecificInfo
=
Name
=
City
Type
=
String
Cardinality
=
AppSpecificInfo
=
Name
=
Account
Type
=
String
Cardinality
=
AppSpecificInfo
=
FN=Account;PLK=Name;Restrict=Location:Site,City:City
The
AppSpecificInfo
for
restricting
PickList
fields
follows
this
syntax:
Restrict=<field
name>:<Siebel
name>,<field
name>:<Siebel
name>
There
is
no
limit
to
the
number
of
restricting
fields.
Do
not
use
spaces
between
the
attributes
after
the
Restrict
parameter.
All
restricting
fields
must
be
added
as
attributes
to
the
business
object,
and
should
have
no
AppSpecificInfo.
These
attributes
serve
as
place
holders
for
the
restricting
fields.
On
a
Retrieve,
the
application-specific
information
specifies
that
the
ProductName
attribute
corresponds
to
a
PickList
business
component,
and
the
set
parameter
specifies
that
the
value
of
the
Id
identifies
which
record
the
connector
should
pick.
Some
PickList
relationships
require
the
creation
of
a
picked
child,
for
example,
the
PickList
relationship
between
Account
and
Quote
in
Siebel_BCQuote.
On
a
Create,
you
must
create
a
new
Account
business
component
for
the
PickList
with
a
containment
relationship
to
the
Quote
business
component
as
follows:
[Business
Object
Definition]
Name
=
Siebel_BCQuote
Version
=
7.0.0
Relationship
=
Containment
AppSpecificInfo
=
ON=Quote;CN=Quote
Name
=
Account
Adapter
for
Siebel
eBusiness
Applications
User
Guide