IBM DB2 V8, DB2 9 manual Apply z/VM 5.1 APAR 63636 PTF UM31312

Models: DB2 V8 DB2 9

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7. Recommendations from the joint IBM/SAP Platform Team:

￿Always use the latest z/VM release available , currently z/VM 5.3

￿Apply z/VM 5.1 APAR 63636 (PTF UM31312)

￿Apply all z/VM APARs listed in OSS Note 81737

￿Additional z/VM Considerations (these are specific to the customer configuration and the workload characteristics) :

￿Consider HiperSockets , Vdisk, Vlan for network/swapping optimization

￿Consider workload distribution techniques such as add/reduce CPUs dynamically as LPAR load changes and distribute workload over day/night/weekend

￿Disable unused Linux guests to eliminate resource consumption (memory, CPU)

￿Limit number of CPUs per Linux guest to reduce overhead cycles for unused CPUs

￿Use FCP/SCSI devices instead of FICON/ECKD or ESCON to improve throughput

￿Use Quick Dispatch for dialog intensive Linux guests to improve response time

￿Review possible overcommitment of memory to avoid paging in z/VM

￿Apply the Fixed I/O Buffers Fix (SLES 9 SP1) available at

￿For additional fixes and tuning hints please see:

￿Use multiple swap volumes to avoid I/O bottlenecks.

￿Always use the latest available Linux kernel (currently SLES 10 SP1)

￿Configure swap volumes on the disk subsystem so that multiple channels are used. If for example 15 of the 2.3 GB logical swap volumes are being mapped to a single 72 GB physical drive the throughput rate will be low.

￿FICON can support more swap volumes than channels. For example if you are using 8 FICON channels then define 16-24 swap devices.

￿In Linux set the priority equal for all swap volumes.

￿Minimize paging and swapping. Define the Linux guests as small as possible without having Linux swapping occur on a regular basis.

￿If using extended memory for z/VM avoid paging in and out of extended memory.

￿Do not use z/VM TCP/IP as an IP router, this results in high CPU consumption.

￿Do not use MDC for SAP, this will conserve memory.

￿Tune the number of SAP work processes using SAP transaction SM50 or SM66.

￿For the HiperSocket definition to the DataBase LPAR use an MTU size of 16K or larger.

Copyright 2006 IBM Solutions Technical Sales (STS)

12/18/2007Page 49 of 51



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IBM DB2 V8, DB2 9 manual Apply z/VM 5.1 APAR 63636 PTF UM31312