The following options are available for your QMS 1725E Print Sys-
tem. Contact your QMS vendor for p urchase information.
The QMS 1725E Print System comes with 8 MB of RAM. However,
you can upgrade this RAM to 64 MB through the installation of SIMMs
(single in-line memory modules). Additional RAM allows you to print
at higher resolutions on certain media sizes, download and cache
fonts, and attach and use multiple hard disks. Additional RAM also
increases the printer’s buffer (the area where data sent from the host
computer is stored), allowing you to send large data-intensive files to
the printer without tying up the host for long periods.
User Benefit—Your printer’s memory can be upgraded as your
needs grow.
Optional fonts are available in three different formats.
The optional Intellifont SIMM increases the number of fonts avail-
able to the HP PCL 5 emulation on your printer from 20 to the 37
PCL 5 fonts available on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4Si.
The HP ProCollection fonts and special Postscript fonts are con-
tained on font cards or must be downloaded to an optional printer
hard disk. Font cards can be inserted in either of the two card
The printer also supports an optional Kanji SCSI hard disk that
allows you to print the Japanese fonts Ryumin Light KL and
Gothic Medium BBB (both licensed to QMS by Morisawa and
Company, Ltd.) as well as the fonts Mincho Medium, Mincho
Heavy, Gothic Bold, and Gothic Heavy (licensed to QMS by