2 In the Administration/Communications/
Network 2/CrownNet/
NetWare/Config PServer/PServer Name[1], PServer Name [2],
and PServer Name[3] menus, enter the name of the config-
ured print server.
3 In the Administration/Communications/Network 2/CrownNet/
NetWare/RN Printer/Printer Slot # menu, enter the printer slot
4 In the Administration/Communications/Network 2/CrownNet/
NetWare/RN Printer/PServer Name[1], PServe r Name[2], and
PServer Name[3] menus, enter the name of the print server.
5 Reset the NIC by using the Administration/Communications/
Network 2/CrownNet/Common/Soft Reset menu.
6 Skip to “Configuring the Network,” later in this chapter.